
natures fluff



Thursday, January 27, 2011


Here I sit within this realm, of beings and things I can not explain.
I look around and all seams strange, yet familure all the same.
I think I know where I am but yet not exactly sure, are you
evil or are you pure.
Here I sit within this dwelling, windows,roof and door.
I look around and see the rushes upon the floor.
the shadows move to and throw with the dancing of the trees.
But no excitement do I feel within the breeze.
Here I sit wondering of tomorrow, worried about what will be.
instead of living for today and all that I can see.
I am letting time pass me by with the movement of the sun.
But yet I feel no need to run.
I am growing old with each passing of the moon. I know my
time is ending soon.
I look into my children's eyes and see the passing of the tide.
I follow the rise of the seas and the seagulls upon the breeze.
the gentle rocking of a boat as the waves move it to and throe.
I am searching for the knowledge of what is to come but yet not seeing
what is here and now, I am blind to it some how.
Here I sit waiting for what may be next without feeling life's gentle kiss.
Here i sit wondering yet again on how much did I miss.
Michelle Yvonne Kelley.

Friday, January 14, 2011


As children we are told to listen to our elders and listen to their stories of old.
To learn what we may for they are our history and all may be gone some day.
I have taken this to heart and listened every chance I got.
Even when they thought I was far away my ears were tuned to every word they'd say.
Every story that could be heard I found myself hanging on every word.
My mind going back in time,looking, watching, seeing what they had seen,
hearing what they had heard. I listen to my elders drawing the pictures of the past.
I could see clearly everything at last.
The rivers and the hills where as children they once played.
I could smell the smells that they themselves once breathed,
and I ask myself how can this be. I was not there I was not yet born
but yet when Grandfather tells of the Calvary I can hear the horn.
The horses hooves upon the ground, the drums beat as it made its advancing sound.
The cries of the fallen soldiers,I can even hear the rebels yell.
I listen more intently to that words my Grandfather's stories tell.
We are told to listen to our Elders , to sit at bended knee and learn first hand about a part of our  history.

Michelle y Kelley
December 2010
Dedicated to my Grandm`er
you died a long time ago but your stories forever live on in my soul.


Close your eyes, just for a moment. hear the whispers? Feel the Breeze?
Open up your sences and close your eyes. Now do you hear the voices, do you hear the trees?
The whispers dance among their branches, place kisses upon your cheek.
Now with eyes closed and your heart wide open listen as the whispers speak.
Feel them all around, you hear the swelling of the seas. The cry of the sea gulls as they float upon the breeze.
Hear the gentle calling of wind to the oceans far,as they pass threw the sails of a boat guided by the stars.
Lift your head up higher, tilt it towards the wind open up your sences and let the whispers in.
They speak to us so softly,to much noise and you shall miss, the whispers telling you "yes my child" as the Lord grants you your wish.



Ever just sit and listen to the Rain, truely listen to it dance up and down the window pane.
The diffrence between a spring shower with its hush whispers among the flowers,
or a full bown storm with the howl and the boom that can be heard from every room.
When the thunder and wind start playing their little tune. The banging of the drum or the clashing of the
cymbols, are the music needed to help the field faries stay nimble.
Dancing across the clover and along the grasses, the field faries come to dance in large masses.
The rain has many faces, some soft and subtle while others are loud and fierce. Can feel soft as silk,
yet like pins and needles. but the rain is never feable.
It washes away the earths daily grime, makes it smell fresh and new for a time.


The Door

Warm beneath the covers of my bed, I can hear the Storm's high winds over head.
The howling of the trees as they are tossed to and throw,wondering were the swiftly moving wind must go.
With the rain dancing upon the ground the thunder makes it's tremendous sound.
Vibrating every wood and nail, like its trying to make the roof set sail.
The moon is hidden behind the clouds almost like  it is to scared to come out.
Afraid of the thunder and the flash hoping to make a sudden dash.
The clouds huddle close together in their thinking it will make it better.
The thunder lets out its mighty boom, and the lighting chases after the moon.
The wind gives up a might roar but to no avail because I am safe behind The Door.

Michelle Y, Kelley
January 2011

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Trucker's Lingo

Trucker's lingo is a lanuage all its own.
One that should be heard by all upon the road.
The Trucker's talk in such a way that many do not understand.
But to listen to our words could keep you from Smokie's hands.
We tell each other of the hazards as to us safetly home.
Many miles have traveled beneath our wheels upon the this lonely road.
If only we coul tell the car that travels in our blind spot, that to do so
could very well place him in a pine box.
Should we blow a tire or some other unknown horror, could place him
in a world of hurt and make his family mourners.
Many think we are out here simply to play a part.
But to be a Truckdriver is simple it comes from the heart. 
You go to your nine to five job every day. While we put in a 14hr day.
Place your head upon your pillow and wake with the morning light.
While many of us trucker's have work through out the night.


Simple Thoughts

My body is heavy.
My soul is dark.
I am trying to stay ahead of the shark.
My mind is worried, it never stops, wondering and waiting for the last boot to drop.
Rent is due, lights are too, there is no money to spare.
I want so much to just give up but my Angel screams "Don't you dare".
One child cries,"Mommy I'm hungry.", the second says "me too.",
I look into their faces and don't know what to do.
So I raise my face up to the sky and with a light little sigh;
I say "my Lord I give this all to you, lead my heart, lighten my soul.
Whisper in my ear so gentle and sweet. I lay all these troubles down at your feet.
Please show me the way and help me obey. Guid me in the direction I should go today,
help me understand what it is you want me to know. I follow your word and listen for your voice
but sometimes it gets lost with in all the noise. I try my best to keep it together,
but sometimes I think my leaving would be better.
I am not a coward you see, to take my own life a coward I'd be.
So I pray even harder, for help from thee. "

Michelle Y, Kelley